2025 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal

We are One Body in Christ, the theme of the 2025 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, was chosen to remind us that we, as members of the Church, are called to work together for the common good, each of us playing a vital role in the mission of Christ. Our archdiocese is a living example of this unity—one body made up of many faithful members, each essential to the vitality of the whole. Through your generous gifts, we can continue the work we were called to do as Christians: educate our seminarians, support our retired priests, provide catechesis to our children and … Continue reading

OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) Continues

Would you or someone you know like to learn more about the Catholic faith? -Perhaps your spouse or fiance is thinking about becoming a Catholic? -Maybe you were raised Catholic but never received the sacrament of Confirmation? -Maybe you have never been baptized by a Christian church or belonged to a faith community. -Maybe you’ve drifted away from the Church and want to renew your connection to Catholicism by refreshing your knowledge of the Church’s teaching. There is never any commitment to becoming Catholic. That is a personal decision each participant makes. Participants who decide to become Catholic will be brought into full communion … Continue reading

OKMS Needs Volunteers

Orchard Knob Middle School is looking for volunteers to participate in an afterschool program on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for twenty 6th graders. For anyone interested in sharing a skill/hobby or information pertinent to that age group, the middle school would greatly appreciate your time and effort. You can do one or multiple sessions, depending on your free time. Miller and Ann Epps will start with a birdhouse building/decorating session. Please let Anne know if you are interested in helping, 423-653-4950. It should be a fun time! Thanks.

Upcoming Survey

The Archdiocese of Atlanta asks each parish to participate in the Disciple Maker Index program. It’s a survey/questionnaire designed to spiritually identify our parishioners’ spiritual needs and desires as part of a faith community. We can then use the results in future parish planning to meet these needs and desires and make our parish relevant to all.  The survey will be available from March 5 to April 6. It can be taken online, is entirely anonymous, and should take 10 – 15 minutes. A link will be provided at the appropriate time. Please consider taking the survey, as your input can help guide the direction of our parish

Update Your Online Giving for 2025

Please click HERE for the link to log into your Online Giving account and update your gift to this calendar year’s offertory fund, Offertory 2025. Don’t hesitate to contact the church office if you need assistance updating your contribution or help creating an Online Giving account.