O.C.I.A.(Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) is Coming in January 2025

Would you or someone you know like to learn more about the Catholic faith?

-Perhaps your spouse or fiance is thinking about becoming a Catholic?

-Maybe you were raised Catholic but never received the sacrament of Confirmation?

-Maybe you have never been baptized by a Christian church or belonged to a faith community.

-Maybe you’ve drifted away from the Church and want to renew your connection to Catholicism by refreshing your knowledge of the Church’s teaching?

There is never any commitment to becoming Catholic. That is a personal decision each participant makes.

Participants who decide to become Catholic will be brought into full communion with the Church (Confirmation) at the Easter Vigil on Saturday night, April 19, 2025.

O.C.I.A. will meet weekly on Sundays in Shuler Hall after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. The course, led by Deacon Mark Mitchell, will begin Sunday, January 5, and conclude Sunday, April 13. If you have questions, email Deacon Mark Mitchell at [email protected] or Father Mark Thomas at [email protected].

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