Jubilee Year of Hope

Dear Parishioners,

We have progressed through the Christmas season and the Glory of God’s Incarnate Word, our Lord’s Nativity, Epiphany, and baptism in the Jordan. We celebrated Holy Family Sunday and the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. Though we will now move into ordinary time for several weeks until Ash Wednesday on March 5 and the beginning of Lent, let us continue the Christmas joy we have experienced through these beautiful solemn Christmas liturgies: our joyful welcoming of the Nativity with our children’s pageant, the beauty of the prelude music of our Christmas eve Mass and the splendor of Midnight Mass, which has continued to improve in attendance with each succeeding year since we started this ancient tradition of the Church again here at Our Lady of the Mount in 2021. All of this ought to give us great joy and hope for the future of our parish on the Mount with its mission church in the valley, St. Katharine Drexel. As we continue through this new year of our Lord 2025, the Jubilee Year of Hope, may we let our Christian faith guide us in all things, giving thanks to Our Lord Jesus Christ for the sublime gift he gives us, the gift of eternal salvation.

Your grateful Pastor,

Fr. Mark

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