O.C.I.A.(Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) is Coming in January 2025

Would you or someone you know like to learn more about the Catholic faith? -Perhaps your spouse or fiance is thinking about becoming a Catholic? -Maybe you were raised Catholic but never received the sacrament of Confirmation? -Maybe you have never been baptized by a Christian church or belonged to a faith community. -Maybe you’ve drifted away from the Church and want to renew your connection to Catholicism by refreshing your knowledge of the Church’s teaching? There is never any commitment to becoming Catholic. That is a personal decision each participant makes. Participants who decide to become Catholic will be brought into full communion … Continue reading

Free Book for Spiritual Book Clubs

The Three Ordinary Voices of God, by Matthew Kelly, is available in the narthex for each family to take home. We hope to form parish-wide “Spiritual Book Clubs,” and this will be the book that will get us started. We plan to begin with small group meetings in homes during Lent in 2025. The parish hall may be a small-group meeting area, and the youth room may be downstairs. Ideally, all will be invited to a small group, including your friends and neighbors, Catholics and non-Catholics, and non-Christians. Prayerfully consider opening your home to a small group for three weeks during Lent. … Continue reading

Hope House Needs

Ongoing needs exist for the women in Hope House. Please consider donating items such as toothbrushes, lotion, journals, hair brushes/combs, shampoo, conditioner, socks, razors, hair ties, deodorant, feminine hygiene products, new underwear of various sizes, and household cleaning products. Thank you for your continued generosity.

Saturday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Mass is celebrated every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. in Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00 a.m. until Benediction at 3:00 p.m. I have decided against having guardians responsible for specific time slots, however, it is my hope that many of you will feel called to be present at a certain time, at least on most Saturdays, for half an hour, or an hour, so that there will usually be someone in the chapel during the six hours of Exposition. When I was a seminarian in New Orleans (2009-2015), I received many … Continue reading

OLMCC Food Pantry Donations

Our non-perishable food donations box is now located in the side narthex in the blue container. Your donations help to keep the OLMCC food pantry stocked, enabling our parish to support Chattanooga area tent communities, anyone in need, and Dade County blessings boxes.We also accept financial donations to help support Hot Meals Ministry. Just write “Hot Meals” on the memo line if donating by check.

Silence Must Be Broken To Begin Healing – 24 Hour Abuse Reporting Hotline

If you or a loved one has been hurt or abused by a member of the clergy, an employee, or volunteer of the Archdiocese of Atlanta, we are here to listen and take action. Please contact our Office of Child and Youth Protection during business hours at 404-920-7550 or our Archdiocesan 24-hour Abuse Reporting line at 1-888-437-0764.  The silence must be broken for the healing to begin.